Queensberry Promotions have today brought together some of their brightest stars in an effort to encourage the country to ‘keep talking’ throughout this period of lockdown.

In a tongue-in-cheek video posted to their social media channels, names such as Carl Frampton, Tyson Fury and even the boss Frank Warren took turns to sing lines from the Carole King classic “You’ve Got a Friend”.In a time of heightened anxiety, experts have warned of the dangers to people’s mental health if they lack the necessary support to help them through this period.

In response, the NHS have updated the ‘Every Mind Matters’ campaign and offered tips such as ‘Stay Connected to People’ and ‘Look After Your Body’ as a way of combating the ill effects this uncertain time can have on people’s mental state.

Tyson Fury is famously an advocate for mental health matters himself, as well as a keen singer, and is a prominent voice in the song, belting out ‘All you gotta do is call”.

Hall of Fame promoter Frank Warren said: “If this video can make just one person smile, or encourage someone to reach out and speak to a mate, it’ll all be worth it.”

“This is a tough time for everyone, anyone you know could be really struggling to cope. Whether it’s your health, your finances… no one really knows what’s going on at the minute.”

“That’s why it’s important we check on people now more than ever. We’re all in this together. We’ve got to keep talking.”

Other ‘singers’ on display throughout the video include Tommy Fury, Dennis McCann, David Adeleye and, incredibly, Troy Williamson mid-shower.

For more information on the Every Mind Matters campaign visit: https://www.nhs.uk/oneyou/every-mind-matters/coronavirus-covid-19-anxiety-tips/?&gclid=CjwKCAjwvZv0BRA8EiwAD9T2VSTdIVqbCxOR22kK1HSzB3T6BCuyk3AK00s4VIdPb7nx0eSEHJNw0xoCg3YQAvD_BwE

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